

博彩网站学习期间,学术建议是必不可少的. 移行细胞癌’s academic advisors will help you develop an academic plan, stay on track for your degree program, and make decisions about your educational and career goals.

New college students (who have not attended another college 高中毕业)应该参加新生小组咨询会议. This includes the following students:

  • Recent high school or 格 graduates, including those with dual enrollment, 大学先修课程(AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) credits
  • Adult learners with no previous college or military experience

希望持F-1签证在美国学习的国际学生应遵循以下规定 这些步骤.

To prepare for your group advising session, students should:

  • Determine academic placement by completing the Direct Enrollment Placement Questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, keep a copy of the English and Math score reports for your records.
  • 参加过SAT考试的学生, 行为, 格, AP, 或IB考试应该带一份分数报告副本,以审查大学水平课程的安排.
  • 学生 should also resolve any admissions or domicile holds.

要安排新学生小组咨询会议,请参阅以下说明. If you cannot access 在学生, need assistance registering for a group advising session, 或者是在线学生, call 757-822-1111 for assistance. Due to limited spacing in the computer labs, only students are guaranteed space to attend the group advising session.

New Student 小组建议 Session Registration Instructions

  • 登录 my移行细胞癌 using your username and password.
  • Launch the EAB 在学生 – 移行细胞癌 icon on the main screen.
  • Select Appointments from the left-hand side menu.
  • 点击 on 时间表 an Appointment.
  • Select 建议 有关委任类别.
  • 选择服务(小组建议).
  • 点击 找到空闲时间.
  • Choose from the available locations.
  • Select the day and time that works best for you.
  • 查看预约详情并确认您的预约信息(此信息将通过电子邮件发送给您).
  • Select 时间表 完成预约.

New students should also register for a 新生迎新 session. More information regarding orientation can be found 在这里.

新来移行细胞癌的同学, who have completed coursework at another college or university, 应该与顾问见面,进行上门咨询还是通过上传官方成绩单来进行虚拟咨询 virtual advising request form.

To prepare for a walk-in advising meeting:

  • Determine academic placement by completing the Direct Enrollment Placement Questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, keep a copy of the English and Math score reports for your records.
  • 参加过SAT考试的学生, 行为, 格, AP, 或IB考试应该带一份分数报告副本,以审查大学水平课程的安排.
  • 学生 should also resolve any admissions or domicile holds.

We recommend arriving on campus no later than 30 minutes before 关闭.

新来移行细胞癌的同学, who have earned college credit through military experience, should first email their Joint 服务s Transcript (JST) to veritas@hong2274.com for an unofficial evaluation. 学生亦可浏览 credits2careers.org 了解更多信息.

Once the JST has been evaluated, 学生可以与学术顾问见面,进行不请自来的咨询会议或完成本课程 virtual advising request form.

申请军事学费援助(TA)或MyCAA官方学位计划的学生应联系 military@hong2274.com.

To prepare for a walk-in advising meeting:

  • Determine academic placement by completing the Direct Enrollment Placement Questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, keep a copy of the English and Math score reports for your records.
  • 参加过SAT考试的学生, 行为, 格, AP, 或IB考试应该带一份分数报告副本,以审查大学水平课程的安排.
  • 学生应携带由Veritas联络人提供的JST评估和大学成绩单的非正式副本。. 学生 may also submit official transcripts by following these 指令.
  • 学生 should also resolve any admissions or domicile holds.

We recommend arriving on campus no later than 30 minutes before 关闭.

当前的 and 返回 students can use their 深思熟虑的报告 in the Student Information System (SIS), along with 课程指导,复习完成学业所需的必修课程. 在咨询报告中了解指定护照课程的含义 在这里.

要与学生指定的学术顾问联系,请登录My移行细胞癌,然后选择“导航学生”. 此外,可以在参考资料中找到学生移行细胞癌成功团队的联系信息.

  • Contact advisors via email or by visiting any campus.
  • 在“导航学生”中看不到指定的指导老师,或者指定的指导老师不在办公室? 与顾问联系,可以通过上门咨询会议,也可以通过虚拟方式完成 virtual advising request form.

We recommend arriving on-campus no later than 30 minutes before 关闭.

鼓励计划转学的学生与顾问会面,以使移行细胞癌课程符合转学学校的要求. For more transfer advising recommendations, 点击这里.

参加新生迎新会,为顺利进入大学做好准备. 参加迎新会将帮助学生为成功和适应移行细胞癌社区奠定坚实的基础.

Learn how to navigate campus and locate important 资源及服务, like libraries, academic support, food pantries, and computer labs. Find answers to questions about starting and succeeding in college, 包括学术建议, 心理健康咨询, and military-related student support.

注册 for in-person 新生迎新 or log in to My移行细胞癌 to complete 移行细胞癌 Online Orientation.

学生计划转学到四年制学院或大学后,在移行细胞癌的时间应该审查转学协议和要求 每学期 有一个顾问. 学生可以使用以下资源来指导他们的迁移研究:

移行细胞癌的四年制合作院校的招生代表每学期都会访问校园. 看到 转会事件 有关校园参观,研讨会和大学转学交易会的信息日历.

At 移行细胞癌, we want our students to feel prepared to enter the workforce. For students who have not decided which career pathway is best for them, 移行细胞癌 advisors can assist in career exploration. 希望在缩小职业道路方面获得帮助的学生可以:

  • 完成 职业教练评估 并保存结果.
  • 与顾问会面,讨论他们的评估结果,在预约咨询会议期间,或通过在导航学生中安排职业咨询预约.

有关就业资源和职业准备的更多信息,请访问 移行细胞癌就业服务.

当前的, 返回, 访问学生可以通过电子邮件或当天收到回复电话与导师进行虚拟联系, 以下服务.

通过填写在线表格获得以下服务的虚拟咨询支持. 点击链接访问表格,并在48小时内收到电子邮件回复:

通过电话与学术顾问交谈,获得以下服务的虚拟咨询支持. 请拨打757-822-1111,以便顾问在当天回复您的电话.

  • 学术计划:根据专业或专业,讨论未来1-2个学期的学习计划和建议课程.
  • 课程变更要求: Discuss changing an academic program or major before completing the 网上申请表格.
  • 毕业审核: Discuss readiness to apply for graduation.
  • Confirmation of Enrollment in Correct Classes通过与顾问交谈和回顾已注册课程,保持完成学位的正轨.

For any other advising needs that require more time, 计划与顾问见面,进行一次临时咨询会议或安排一次预约 在学生. We recommend arriving on campus no later than 30 minutes before 关闭.

星期一和星期二:上午8:30.m. – 6:30 p.m.
星期三至星期五上午8:30.m. – 5:00 p.m.

We recommend arriving on campus no later than 30 minutes before 关闭.