
TCC 50决议

维吉尼亚参议院-参议院联合决议. 10



赞助人:Cosgrove, DeSteph, Lewis, Locke, Lucas, Norment, Spruill和Wagner

而, 博彩网站, 汉普顿路最大的高等教育和劳动力解决方案提供商, 为切萨皮克市服务, 诺福克, 朴茨茅斯, 弗吉尼亚海滩, 以及萨福克的部分地区, is observing its 50th anniversary during the 2018-2019 academic year; and

而, 博彩网站成立于1968年,位于萨福克郡詹姆斯河和南森蒙德河的交汇处,位于前弗雷德里克学院的所在地, 当比兹利基金会, 我代表弗雷德. Beazley, generously gifted to the Commonwealth more than 700 acres of property and buildings and $1 million for the purpose of establishing a community college in the Tidewater region; and

而, 从那些卑微的博彩网站, 博彩网站 has grown to encompass four campuses and seven regional academic centers; and

而, 博彩网站’s regional accreditation was reaffirmed in 2017 by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges; and

而, 博彩网站向大约80人颁发了学位和证书,000 individuals; and

而, 博彩网站的许多校友在汉普顿路生活和工作, contributing to the local economy in fields associated with their areas of study; and

而, 博彩网站 is the second largest public provider of undergraduate education in Virginia; and

而, 博彩网站是维吉尼亚州招收非洲裔本科生最多的学院, and is tenth nationally for the number of associate degrees awarded to African-American students; and



左起:特里·汤普森, College Board chair; Senator John Cosgrove, chief patron of the resolution; and retired President Edna V. Baehre-Kolovani

而, 博彩网站五分之三的毕业生没有学生贷款, 多亏了这所大学实惠的学费, 奖学金, and financial aid; and

而, 博彩网站是第一个地区认可的高等教育机构,提供完整的学位课程, 商学副学士, 使用开放教育资源, which eliminates the need for students to purchase textbooks; and 

而, 博彩网站 students have saved more than a million dollars thanks to the college’s innovative no-textbook-cost degrees and courses; and

而, 在8月1日期间,博彩网站根据大会资助的劳动力证书资助计划颁发了80多个劳动力证书, 2016, 及六月三十日, 2017; and

而, 博彩网站的劳动力解决方案中心已经服务了超过1,500 companies and individuals over the past 18 years; and

而, the maritime and ship repair industries in Hampton Roads rely on 博彩网站 to equip their current and future employees with industry-relevant skills and knowledge; and

而, 博彩网站被弗吉尼亚州国会代表团认可为唯一有资格成为国内卓越海事中心的学院, which, 正如《博彩平台》所述, would advance the capabilities of community and technical colleges to help secure the talent pipeline for the domestic maritime industry; and

而, 博彩网站的课程, 教师, 和校友服务于主要汉普顿路行业的劳动力需求, 包括医疗保健, 先进制造, 建设, 热情好客, and culinary; and

而, 博彩网站近三分之二的毕业生转到四年制大学, 他们中的大多数都去了弗吉尼亚的四年制大学, thanks to General Articulation Agreements with the Virginia Community College System and program-specific articulation agreements; and

而, 博彩网站比弗吉尼亚州的任何一所大学招收更多与军事有关的学生, 三分之一的在校生是现役军人, 退伍军人, 配偶, 和家属, and is consistently ranked “Best for Vets” and “军事 Friendly”; and

而, 博彩网站 is dually-certified as a Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Employer and Educator; and

而, 博彩网站继续增加通过双招生项目获得大学学分和行业相关证书的高中生数量, giving them a head start on their college careers; and

而, 博彩网站是美国为数不多的提供校内托儿服务的社区学院之一, recognizing that lack of child care is a major barrier to college completion; and

而, 博彩网站 demonstrates its commitment to the environment with LEED-certified buildings and recognition of the Chesapeake Campus as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary; and

而, 多样性和包容性是博彩网站招聘的核心, hiring, 电子技术, and instructional policies and practices; and

而, 博彩网站不负其承诺, “从这里, 去任何地方,” providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in college and career; now, 就这样吧

弗吉尼亚参议院决议, 众议院表示同意, That the General Assembly hereby commend 博彩网站 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary; and, be it

进一步解决, 参议院书记拟备一份本决议副本,提交埃德娜五世. Baehre-Kolovani, 博彩网站院长, 以表达大会对学院致力于高等教育和长期为英联邦公民服务的钦佩.
